Song Lyrics

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    (meine Übersetzung eines Beatles-Songs ins Gießenerische)


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Snowbound (Genesis)

Albatros (Karat)

Podmoskownie Wetschera (Moskau 1957)

Marta Kubisova (Prag 1968)

September Song (Kurt Weill)

When I’m 64 (Beatles)

Glockenspiele der Freiheit (Bob Dylan)

The Stranger (Leonard Cohen)

Master Song (Leonard Cohen)

Waltzing Mathilda (Tom Waits / Rod Stewart)

How can I tell you (Cat Stevens)

IT’s A Sin (Pet Shop Boys)

Remember The Tinman (Tracy Chapman)

Epitaph (King Crimson)


Ikarus (Bettina Wegner)

Im Kommentar zu ‘Ikarus’ speziell: DAS ANMUTIGE KIND; paradigmatisch das Kind namens “Echo” in Thomas Manns ‘Doktor Faustus





Jimmy Kelly auf der DVD   “The Kelly Family - Cover The Road” (2003):

You are very egoistic as an artist. You think this is you who composed this song. You think you just make this song. And soon enough you realize it’s not you. This thing is just a -- ein Durchpfeifen -- it came through you, or something, you know? - And it belongs to everybody. Specially the good song. I think all great songs belong to everybody. They don’t belong to the artist. Because he is just speaking everybody’s mind or everybody’s heart - or what you want call it, you know? He has the craft to let it channel through him. And that’s it.




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