Cat Stevens

How Can I Tell You


Das Lied kann man eigentlich an die “Waltzing Mathilda” anschließen, es geht um das gleiche Motiv: Mathilda ist sozusagen ständig bei ihm - in ihm anwesend. Cat Stevens konnte das möglicherweise nicht mehr aushalten und ist zum Islam konvertiert - so meine waghalsige Vermutung. Er war ja kein Mensch der Analyse. Um sich aus diesem Psycho-Sumpf der Sexualreligion zu retten, suchte er sein Heil in der islamischen Religion, was ja in mancherlei Hinsicht verständlich ist, wenn man weiß wie das Verhältnis von Mann-Frau im Islam gestaltet werden soll. Und Musik ist im Islam verpönt. Also darf man sein Leid auch nicht lyrisch-musikalisch ausdrücken, wie es Cat Stevens hier auf wunderbare Weise tut.


      • How can I tell you
        That I love you
        I love you
        But I can't think of right words to say
      • I long to tell you
        That I'm always thinking of you
        I'm always thinking of you
        But my words just blow away
        Just blow away
      • It always ends up to one thing, honey
        And I can't think of right words to say
      • Wherever I am girl
        I'm always walking with you
        I'm always walking with you
        But I look and you're not there
      • Whoever I'm with
        I'm always, always talking to you
        I'm always talking to you
        And I'm sad that you can't hear
        Sad that you can't hear
      • It always ends up to one thing, honey
        When I look and you're not there
      • I need to know you
        Need to feel my arms around you
        Feel my arms around you
        Like a sea around a shore
      • Each night and day I pray
        In hope that I might find you
        In hope that I might find you
        Because heart's can do no more
        Can do no more
      • It always ends up to one thing, honey
        Still I kneel upon the floor
      • How can I tell you
        That I love you
        I love you
        But I can't think of right words to say
      • I long to tell you
        That I'm always thinking of you
        I'm always thinking of you
      • It always ends up to one thing, honey
        And I can't think of right words to say













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